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The purpose of the Fair Housing Act is twofold: to end housing discrimination and to promote diverse, inclusive communities. The latter concept is known as Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), and is concerned with fair access and equal opportunity. Our nation’s economic progress and competitiveness is best served by diverse, inclusive communities where everyone has access to good jobs, schools, health care, transportation, and housing.  


Due to the recent developments and focus that HUD has placed on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) National Fair Housing Alliance has compiled the following resources and materials:


The Fair Housing Act

The Housing & Community Development Act of 1974

HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule
In 2013, the US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), the federal agency responsible for promulgating and enforcing the rules for the Fair Housing Act, issued a regulation that clearly outlines the process and implementation of the Fair Housing Act’s affirmatively furthering fair housing requirements for participants (states, counties, municipalities, and public housing agencies) of the program.

AFFH and Litigation

HUD enforces the Fair Housing Act, but housing discrimination, segregation, and AFFH cases have also been litigated by private parties. Certain court cases have affirmed that addressing segregation was part of what Congress intended when they passed the Fair Housing Act, and that HUD is authorized and required to address segregation in its program administration.


Resources: Government Reports, Publications, and Guidance Memos


AFFH in the Popular Press

Nikole Hannah‐Jones, “Living Apart: How the Government Betrayed a Landmark Civil Rights Law,” ProPublica, October 29, 2012

512: House Rules,” November 22, 2013. This American Life radio show

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